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Just a shadow moving through this world.

Noticed, but never given a second look.

Walked on, awkward, and out of place.

Always there with you in the darkness,

Letting you know when light starts seeping in.

There during the best days; the good times.

Sticking around to experience the failures.

Remember me?

The secrets we shared? The things we did?

We ruined each other, but we kept each other.

Now, just a shadow from your past;

A figment of your dreams.

Do I exist only to haunt you?

A reminder of what was, and what could've been.

An enemy to be conquered, destroyed, and forgotten.

A shadow; only there to give you identity,

Now I weep, for my own.

Thirsty for attention and hungry for a word.

Disappearing into darkness, wanting for light.

Noticed, but never given a second look.

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